Sharing scripture, poetry and philosophy in text and design since 1975.

It is time for change… Beginning March 1, 2024, Michael Podesta’s artwork will be available as prints only. Your local frame shops will be happy to fulfill your matting and framing needs. Note Cards will be available as usual in packages of 12, 25 and some designs offer a quantity of 50. The website will change to accommodate the new offerings in time. Thank you for your support. “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven…”
Michael’s Story
I was lettering a wall menu for a friend who was getting ready to open a sandwich shop the following week. I had just finished a very handsome "Blueberry Muffin with Cream Cheese" when everyone - the plumbers, the electrician, the cabinet maker - stopped for a morning break. Looking for something to read while I drank my coffee, I picked up someone's pocket Bible. "For I am persuaded," Paul said in his letter to the Romans, "that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities... nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God." I finished my work on the menu, but something had changed. Why not use the alphabet, I thought, to share words like Paul's? The German graphic designer Rudolf Koch says "The scribe is the servant of the text."
My experience, my revelation, in the sandwich shop was that a larger text had beckoned to me. I share these words of praise from the settings of my beliefs and activities. The symbolism of the artwork is personal, as well as general; the Scripture is often a paraphrase or a combination of translations.
— Michael
"I never want to limit my anticipation of what our surprising Creator might use for His inspiration, family, work, friendship, the seasons, music, memory: These are the experiences in which I have seen the line that separates the ‘spiritual’ from the ‘secular’ blur and then completely disappear. These are the experiences in which I have found God’s good gifts and tender mercies sufficient to the needs of everyday life."
Michael Podesta —Wisconsin Public Radio